New hair accessories at my main store.
Crown Hair Comb - (diamonds with gold/silver)
Heart Hair Comb - (diamonds with gold/silver)
Diamond Hair Barrettes - (gold/silver) Resizer
Lily Hair Clip - Resizer
Hair Bows - Large and Small - Color Change on touch
Hair Pearls - Made to work with ETD Chel Hair - Resizer
These have multiple attachment points (mouth/chin). Lily Hair Clip also has left/right).
All are No Transfer/No Modify/Yes Copy. Some have the resizer script. See above.
They will be on Xstreetsl.com soon for gift giving.
Teleport to Main Store
I also have a small shop on Starlust A La Mode sim BILL. Make sure to stop on the bridge to get all of the freebie/dollarbies.
Teleport to Bill