"Etheria - When jewelers dream"
Jewelry designers in Second Life frequently build dream creations to go with the fabulous creations of Clothing designers. Did you ever wonder what a jeweler would like to SEE with their creations - to have a designer make an outfit that is designed to go with their creation, instead of the other way around? What do jewelers dream about?
I am pleased to annouce that I will be participating in Etheria. The designer I chose to work with is Betty Doyle of Ingenue. Her clothes are so classy and stylish. I love the vintage look of them all. Her outfits and my jewelry always go very well together.
Keep watching this blog for more details coming up soon!
p.s. I still have 8192 sq m of land for rent. L$11,000 per month. 1875 prims. Full sim not a homestead!