Coffee Break is a bi-monthly sale held on the sim Lo Lo. Designers on the sim place an item in the coffee shop at a great discount to you. This sale lasts two weeks. Can you believe the adorable dress from Grixdale is only 35L. Unbelievable! The coffee colored outfit on the right is from Ingenue and just 75L per piece. I love wearing browns! And the 7 chairs from North West have many poses in them are 75L for the whole pack! I'm also wearing my chandelier earrings. You get all 9 colors for 75L. The sunglasses and poses are by Caroline's and are only at the Pose Fair for now.
Teleport to Coffee BreakApril 1-15 you can pick up these great deals:
Doppelganger - Polly Dress 80L
Grixdale - Sun of a Gun - Vintage Doll Dresses 35L each
Caroline's Jewelry - Cabochon Chandelier Earrings (all colors) $75L
North West - Jenny's chairs pack (7 prints) 75L
!bang - Stolen Moment 75L (and you get reward points!)
Ingenue :: Mitzi Shorts :: Coffee (reward points!) 75L
Ingenue :: Wanda Halter :: Coffee (reward points!) 75L