One of my most favorite cafes in SecondLife is Cafe Green Gables. Upon seeing it you will instantly get that warm home like feeling. Greeting you on the steps are a fox and jack dog. BeBe and Jean have spent so much time in the attention to detail with placing items inside and out. You'll find plates of dinner on the tables for a nice date or lunch with a friend. And on the counter are my favorite -tb- Cuppie Teacups.

The bunny and heart sugar cookies are two of my new favorite things that I've recently put inside of my bakery. Laura Leandros of .llama. has been creating some super cute mesh items. The heart sugar cookie tray gives out wearable cookies. These items are adorable and really inexpensive. A sweet Valentine gift. For now you can only find them on Marketplace.
.llama. on Marketplace
Teleport to Cafe Green Gables. Bring a friend!