Wednesday, September 13, 2006

So many colors!

28 colors! I decided that I have too many textures/colors that I like to use on my hairs, and making boxes for all of them in every hair style would totally lag the sim. So, I followed what other designers do and made boxes with the textures shown and 1 main box with the style shown. When you TP into Lo Lo Miramare, you will see two hair styles already done like this. But, of course, you want to try on the different colors. I made a non flexi basic hair style for only $1L. However, since each box contains two shades it is $2L. This is serving more as a demo for a choice of textures (shades/hair coloring), plus there will be a no modify demo for each style in the DEMO stamped shade. I named the textures demo - Shade. Already I have my latest hair style with the color changing barrettes in all of the shades. I will work on all of the rest daily while adding more when I can. TP to Lo Lo

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