In the spirit of America's Black Friday Sales, Caroline's Jewelry is having a two day sale. The items shown in the image are marked 50% off. On the back of the display there are 3 different items and only 5 boxes each of those available. These are also marked 50% off (the three at the top of the image). Great Christmas Presents for your friends or yourself. I will start the sale Friday, November 28th at 12:01 am slt as I am on my way out the door to the real world's same sale. The sale will end on Saturday, November 29th at Midnight SLT.
If you have never heard of Black Friday let me explain. This is the day after Thanksgiving and most all of the retail stores have tremendous savings on items. A few of the items will be in limited quantity at this low price. Other items will be marked down on sale for a day or two. People gather in line as early as 3am awaiting the doors to open at 5am. Fights have been known to erupt over items or cutting in line! Sounds fun!
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