I've made 6 styles of watches with several options. All have moving prim hands that keep accurate SL (PST) time.
Beatific Watch Bangles - This watch is more for those formal occassions. The watch comes in Gold or Silver with a large White Pearl in the center. The pearl sits in the center of a multitude of diamonds shaped flower. Touch the pearl and it will move to expose the time.
Pearl Watch Bracelets - Pearls are classic. They never go out of style and can be worn with most anything. The watches come in both White and Black Pearl and set in either Silver or Gold. I have also made a Pink Pearl RFL Edition watch.
Charmed Watch Bracelets - Available in Gold or Silver. Three charms hang from the watch links. The time, a heart, and a cupcake with sprinkles.
Rock Candy Watch - One watch with many different looks. The Rock Candy Watch is menu driven. The alligator leather wrist band can be changed from white, black, brown, or pink. Likewise, the metal and face give the choices of gold, silver, or black. The face of the watch is surrounded by diamonds.
Prink Watch Bracelets - Choose from a Silver or Gold watch bracelet. 7 diamonds and 7 rubies are laid in the links of the bracelet.
Regale Watch Bangles - Most of us like to stack bangles on our wrists. It can be quite impossible in SL when the watch is just a watch. This one comes stacked with four bangles. Named Regale for the vintage diamonds surrounding the watch band and its exquisite style.
Each watch is $300 and Transfer. The RFL watches come as a set for $500. You can purchase Copy instead of Transfer at XstreetSL.com later today for $330 in all but the RFL edition watches.
Teleport to Caroline's