Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lo Lo SLRFL Random Purse

You've enjoyed the Random Purse in various colors from my line, Lo Lo. Now, thanks to Grazia for the idea, you can get the Random Purse in Purple and contribute to SLRFL.

Introducing the Lo Lo SLRFL Random Purse. This one drops all of the same embarrassing or just plain funny items as the original, but now you can turn it off or set the drop time to faster or slower. Touch the purse for a menu selection.

Get the purse now at Caroline's Jewelry on the sim Lo Lo. Soon to be at Shopaholics For A Cure SLRFL campsite. I'm not sure if the relay sims will have scripts and build on, but this would be a lot of fun to do the walk with!

Only 100L$

1 comment:

SAKN said...

I Like your accessories.They are beautiful.